Windlesham​ Society.
Windlesham​ Society.

Windlesham Society Members’ Autumn Litter Pick

N.B. Do bring friends and neighbours but please ensure they are members and that your membership hasn’t lapsed (see below)

Date: Saturday 28/9/24; Meet Time: 1.45 for 2pm; Meet Place: Field of Remembrance Car Park

  1. Background. Windlesham and its approaches in particular are strewn with litter. It is unsightly and spoils our lovely village. The Borough has no statutory obligation to deal with it so, if we want to be proud of the environment in which we all live, we need to do something about it.
  2. Equipment. Please come with your own high visibility jackets, rubber gloves and picks if you own them. If not, there will be some available to borrow. Strong collection bags will be provided. It is suggested that you wear robust clothing and footwear.
  3. Insurance. There is a level of danger in this work. Windlesham Society has approved public liability cover for members only. Young people may participate from 16 years of age upwards.
  4. On arrival. Following a short safety briefing and allocation of equipment to those requiring it,  people will be paired up (if you arrive solo and don’t know anyone else). Roads will be allocated, individuals will walk or preferably drive to them as most are on the outskirts of the village and litter picking can begin. Please plan on a minimum of one hour.
  5. During litter picking. The idea of working in pairs is for your safety with one leading on picking and bag carrying and the other on look-out for traffic, especially on busier roads without pavements. If your bag becomes uncomfortably heavy and/or you end up carrying more bags than one, please leave it/them in a prominent spot on the roadside either to pick up yourself or inform the organiser on return so it can be picked up later.
  6. On completion. Please return to the Field of Remembrance car park with as much of the litter that you have collected as possible. If you are happy to participate in a team photo for subsequent publicity purposes and care to continue conversations at the café, that would be great.