Windlesham​ Society.
Windlesham​ Society.
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Village Christmas Tree Event

Please be advised that this year, due to various safety issues, we are having to make a change to the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Event.

With the Event in the past growing with its popularity, it was not deemed safe to hold the Event at the Village Green by The Sun Public House, due to overspills into the road etc.

Therefore it has been decided to hold the ‘Village Christmas Tree Event’ at the central Hub of the Village, at The Windlesham Field of Remembrance on 3rd December, 4pm to 8pm. It will feature a fabulous village event, with the Lighting of a Christmas Tree, Mini Christmas Market Stalls, Christmas Carol Singing, Bob ‘the sax’ Webb, BBQ/Pig Roast, Mulled Wine & Mince Pies, and Beer Tent.

We sincerely hope you will come along and enjoy the Village Festivities.

For reference, the Christmas Tree on the Green outside The Sun, will still be in place for all to enjoy and provided by the Parish Council and they will light the Tree and Street Lights, as normal, but without a Public Event.

Wishing you all the very best.

The Windlesham Society Committee